7 April 1909 – Queenie Kathleen Irene Cove
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From the Western Daily Press on Wednesday the 7th of April 1909
At the Y.M.C.A Hall on Monday, Mr. Coroner A. L. Forrester held an inquest on Queenie Kathleen Irene Cove, aged 19 months, the daughter of Agnes Mary Cove, Park Farm, Garsdon.
The child had been lying in the hospital for about three weeks, under medical attention, and she died on Friday. From the evidence, it appeared that on March 16th the child was undressed by her mother at 7.30, and, attired in her flannelette nightdress, sat in an armchair by the large, open kitchen fire, upon which wood was burning, when a spark flew out and caught her nightdress. The girl in charge became terrified, and ran to call the child’s mother, who wrapped a coat round the sufferer and put out the flames.
Dr. Heaton spoke to attending the child on March 17th when she was suffering from severe fire burns over one-third of the body. He advised her removal to the Cottage Hospital, where under treatment, the child improved for the first ten days. Erysipelas, however, supervened , and the child died from blood poisoning.
The jury felt that no blame was attached to anyone, and their verdict was “Death from blood poisoning, following fire burns, accidentally caused by a spark from the fire.”
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