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From the Wiltshire Times on Saturday the 24th of June 1899

A young man named Nathaniel Payne, in the employ of Messrs. Baker and Sons, builders, of Eastcourt, met with a nasty accident at the goods shed of the Great Western Railway station. With a mate, he was sent to the station with a wagon to unload some freestone from a truck.

The men had got one block of about 25 hundredweight on the large crane, and the other man got in the wagon to steady the block as it was lowered. The weight appeared to be more than Payne could manage, as it went with a run and the handle of the crane came off, whirling him across the platform onto the metals, his head coming in contact with some ironwork, splitting his ear in two, cutting a gash on his head, and knocking him senseless. The injured man was taken to the Malmesbury Cottage Hospital, and the next day to his home at Crudwell.