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From the Devizes and Wilts Advertiser on Thursday the 12th of April 1900

A young man named James Wakefield, a native of Malmesbury, formerly working in the Swindon Works, but now employed on the new railway at Kingsway, met with a nasty accident on Sunday evening. On Saturday Wakefield bought a machine with no brake, and on Sunday afternoon rode the machine from Swindon to Malmesbury. On nearing the latter place, coming down the incline from Cowbridge, he lost all control of his machine, and turning a corner, he ran straight into a milk cart opposite the Black Horse Inn.

The machine was smashed. Wakefield was rendered unconscious, and his face cut about badly, and the top of one thumb was cut clean off. Dr. Evans was soon in attendance, and the young man was taken to the Cottage Hospital.