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From the Wiltshire Times on Saturday the 24th of January 1920

Violet Ellen Wilcox, the six-years-old daughter of Mr. Harry Wilcox, carter, of 31, Horsefair, died at the Cottage Hospital on Monday evening from septic poisoning. At the inquest held in the Council Chamber the same evening the father stated that the child returned from school the previous Monday at midday and as she was not feeling well was kept home. On Tuesday, as the child became worse, a doctor was sent for.

Dr. R. M. Moore said on Tuesday evening he found the child very feverish. On making an examination he found an abrasion on the inside of the big toe. The next day he found the septic condition spreading and ordered her removal to the Cottage Hospital, where she died that morning as a result of septic poisoning. A verdict was returned accordingly.