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From the Western Daily Press on Tuesday the 30th of December 1924

His many friends in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire will learn with regret that a serious accident befell Mr. W. A. Harford, of Petty France, while hunting during the week-end. Mr. Harford, who is an uncle of the present Duke of Beauford, and a leading member of the Beaufort Hunt, was out with the hounds in the neighbourhood of Badminton on Friday afternoon, and on reaching the village approached a gate, which slammed, with the result that Mr. Harford was heavily thrown against a wall, receiving injuries to the face. Little was thought of the mishap at the time, but during Sunday night Mr. Harford’s condition took a turn for the worse, and yesterday morning he lapsed into unconsciousness, in which state he remained all day.

The second pack of Beaufort Hunt was out the same day near Brinkworth when Cox, the second whipper-in, also had a bad fall, sustaining a fractured jaw and other injuries. He was conveyed to Malmesbury Cottage Hospital, where he was detained.

A view of the side of The Whole Hog in Malmesbury. The image features large windows with painted murals on them, depicting pigs and a man feeding them from a container labeled "Dreams." The artwork is vibrant and adds a creative touch to the building's stone facade. In the background, the historic Malmesbury Market Cross is visible, adding a sense of place and history to the scene. The area is paved, with a picnic bench outside and a couple of cars parked nearby. The overall atmosphere is quaint and lively, reflecting the town's blend of tradition and modern artistic expression.
A view of the side of The Whole Hog, formerly Malmesbury Cottage Hospital, in Malmesbury.