6 January 1910 – Tom Griffin
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From the Devizes and Wilts Advertiser on Thursday the 6th of January 1910
A man named Tom Griffin, stud groom to Captain Ritchie (Adjutant of the Wilts Yeomanry), cut his throat in his saddle-room at the Stainsbridge stables, Malmesbury, on Wednesday morning.

He gave orders to the men in regards to the horses, and put his coat on, saying he would go and attend to his own horse for exercise. He, however, went into the saddle-room, and shortly afterwards came out with his throat cut five inches across. He was conveyed to the Cottage Hospital, where it was found that the wound was deep, the wind-pipe being severed. Later he recovered consciousness. The cause of the attempt on his life has not been ascertained.
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